The Management of MAQUINARIA DISBER, S.L. has compromised with the quality and improvement of its policies in the following points:
Conseguir la máxima satisfacción de nuestros clientes fulfilendo sus requisitos, repetando sus necesidades y poniendo nuestra capacidad y experiencia a su disposición.
Compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the product.
Awareness, training and motivation of the company’s personnel, on the importance of the implementation and development of a Quality Management System and on its involvement in the fulfillment of the expectations of the clients.
Improve the continuity and system of our internal processes through the implementation of a quality system that prevents and minimizes defects and errors
In line with this policy, it is possible to establish documentary and quantifiable objects that are elaborated and periodically reviewed by the Directorate.
Silla, a 19 of NOVIEMBER of 2019
D. José Sáez Gerente