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Privacy Policy

Disber machinery S.L. with C.I.F B46299400, is a profit-driven entity Machinery Disber S.L. It is the owner of the website and is responsible for the files generated with the personal data supplied by users via this website. Its headquarters is located in Avda. Espioca, 112 (C / La Mariola) 46460 Silla (Valencia).

Through this LEGAL NOTICE is intended to regulate access and use, and in general, the relationship between this site, accessible from the Internet and web users.

Privacy Policy embodied then applies to all services of this website and the pages and services that the web is going to expand in the future.

Guarantee of their right to protection of personal data, you must accept the terms of this privacy policy before proceeding to send your information.
It is understood that the user accepts the conditions stated above if you press the “SEND” button found in the contact forms with Disber Machinery S.L.

Personal Character Data Protection Policy
Complies with the Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de las Información y del Comercio Electrónico, y la viente Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protection de Datas de Carácter Personal y su Reglamento de Medidas de Seguridad, Maquinarias Disber S.L. Informa los users of this website of the incorporation of our data into automated files existing in the city fully realized, by part of Maquinarias Disber S.L. the processing of our data of personal character that is expressed in these conditions where it is derived from the mismas, with the finalities that are more detailed.

The files created are located in the administrative department of Maquinarias Disber S.L. on Avda. Espioca, 112 (C/ La Mariola) 46460 SILLA (Valencia). Industrial security, organizational and administrative measures to protect your confidentiality and integrity to prevent alteration, disruption, processing or access without authorization from the Orgánica Law 15/1999, from 13 December, from Data Protection Personal Character and the Regulatory Medicines Regulation of the files containing personal character data, approved by Real Decree 1720/2007 of 21 December.

Finalization of the data collection and automatic processing of user data

The user authorizes Maquinarias Disber S.L. to automatically process personal data submitted voluntarily, through formulas and electronic correspondence, for:

The management of any request for information sent by email.
The request for information on the services provided by Maquinarias Disber S.L., as well as the delivery of advertising via electronic mail.
The desire for information on every business, commercial or social aspect of the business and the activities that organically participates in.
The request for information on products and services of the various entities with which Maquinarias Disber S.L. has agreed to cooperate, encargadas de su commercialization, tanto si se formaliza o no operación alguna, como en su caso, una vez vez extinguished la relación contractual exists.
The delivery of advertising via electronic means of offers, promotions and recommendations of the various entities with which Maquinarias Disber S.L. has subscribed to acuerdos of collaboration, encargadas of its commercialization.
The realization of surveys and statistical studies.
Data collected through the formulas published on the web
All data requested in the forms must be entered into with obligatory characteristics so that you can contact us and assist you in the management of your request.

The personal data submitted are absolutely confidential and will only be shared with other businesses or entities when the management of your request requires them. Please request authorization if you wish to do so.

The user will respond, in any case, to the verification of the facilitated data, reservándose Maquinarias Disber S.L.

Transfer of personal data from users to collaborative businesses
The user agrees that his data may be given, exclusively for the purposes previously indicated to other entities with which Maquinarias Disber S.L. subscribes to cooperation agreements, respecting all Spanish legislation for the protection of personal data and without the need for that data. the This communication must always be the first transfer made to the transfer referrals. This consent to the transfer of data has a revocable character of compliance with current legislation.

All data is processed with absolute confidentiality, and is not accessible to other parties for separate purposes that are otherwise authorized.

Maquinarias Disber S.L. does not share its personal information with any third party without its permission, although it deals with information requests that are definitely authorized by government authorities or is based on the law, norm, citation or judicial mandate.

Details of users in relation to our personal data

The user may request your requests for access, cancellation, rectification and opposition, and in his case, by whom he is represented by written and firm request directed to Maquinarias Disber S.L., Avda. Espioca, 112 (C/ La Mariola) 46460 SILLA (Valencia), together with a DNI photo.

The web uses cookies, a few data files that are generated in the user’s computer and that we allow to know the frequency of visits, the most selected contents and the security elements that can intervene in the control of access to restricted areas, as well as the visualization of advertising according to predefined criteria by Maquinarias Disber S.L. and that are activated by cookies served by those involved or by other services that provide these services cuenta de Maquinarias Disber S.L.

The user knows and accepts the use of “Cookie” technology from Maquinarias Disber S.L., so you can configure your browser to be notified of it and start installing “Cookies” on its hard disk, for your convenience, consult instructions and Navigator manual to complete this information.

Maquinarias Disber S.L. does not assume any responsibility for incorrect use of the information provided on its pages of the Internet. As such, within the legal limits, we do not assume any responsibility for the lack of accuracy, integrity or updating of the data or information published on the web sites of those you own.

The function of the links (enlaces) that appears on this page is exclusively for informing the user about the existence of other sources of information on the material on the Internet, from which you can expand the data offered on this web. Maquinarias Disber S.L. will not be responsible for any result obtained through hypertextual links.